About Digital Trends

Artists, collaborators, consultants, artistic expressions

Independent artists, we are a group of creators and innovators, always with new ideas, always focused on art, on the expressions of the human being, either in his daily life or in his conception of the world.El Greco once said "Art is everywhere you look for it; hail the twinkling stars for they are God's careless splatters".

In the same way, we see the world as an expression of ourselves.

Art is music, sound, expression, communication, colour, abstraction, art is creation, not only of a material object, but of a living entity in the collective subconscious, that... for us, is art.

And you, what do you want your world to be like?

MaTOO | Painter, Sculptor, Composer

Berenice Orta | Artista Plástica

Senex Petrovic | Digital Artist

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