Cosechando | Berenice Orta

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Pictorial Artwork I Berenice Orta

Berenice Orta | Pictorial Artwork
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Cosechando | Berenice Orta

La madre tierra proveyendo nuestro sustento. La femineidad en comunión con la naturaleza, que dota del alimento al cuerpo y al alma. Aquí se refleja la inigualable alegría de cosechar lo sembrado.

“Cosechando”, Tinta sobre papel, 20 x 15 cm, Berenice Orta


Harvesting | Berenice Orta

Mother earth providing our sustenance. Femininity in communion with nature, which endows body and soul with food. Here the unequaled joy of reaping what is sown is reflected.

“Cosechando”, Ink on paper, 20 x 15 cm, Berenice Orta


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